Malibu Matchmaking is a legal DBA registered in the State of California. Ed Theodore Sparks is a Sole Proprietor and is DBA Malibu Matchmaking.
We expect this information to legally change to partnership or sole proprietor as Lisseth Sparks – or the wife of Ed Theodore Sparks.
To file against Ed Theodore Sparks DBA Malibu Matchmaking, please request income verification. Ed Theodore Sparks is known as a Venture Capital Marketing Accelerator which means he is legally responsible for venture capital project liability. He has no legal assets besides a JP Morgan Chase bank account. Owns no homes. Owns no cars. Owns no boats. Owns no corporations. Has no personal insurance. Has no 401k. Has no investments.
As of 2022, Ed Theodore Sparks does not reside in the United States full time. He claims residency in Florida. He is a valuable asset to venture capital project management and venture capital as a community. His wife, upon marriage, would follow the same financial formula and life strategy.
Matchmaking is the introduction of two people. At dinner, on vacation or at church, two responsible adults are responsible for their own actions. 99% of our customers are wonderful people. We will always request a receipt for dinner or photos of outings during a filing/quash.
You can view the owner of this domain name here – > – The current legal owner of is Hermosa Beach Marketing – an Ed Theodore Sparks company.
Ed Theodore Sparks purchased in 2016 as the first registrant. Ownership has not changed although contact information has. It is a minimum of $200,000 USD to dispute domain ownership with the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). Litigation generally requires 5-10 years wait and arbitration is required before filing.
The term “Domain name reservation” in no way, shape or form proves ownership or decision making power for any “Domain name reservation owner”. i.e. I purchased on “Domain name reservation” so when the owner doesn’t renew, I own the domain name. As of today, the current domain name strategy is 100 more years of Sparks family ownership of the Domain Name
Please do not confuse the company Malibu Matchmaking and email addresses containing the words ‘Malibu Matchmaking’ . A legitamate email from Malibu Matchmaking would contain . Any other domain name, signature or otherwise stating ‘decision making power’; is considered fraud HOWEVER We will always honor any previous agreements as agreed to in notarized paperwork signed in the Use of Website Timeline section. i.e. I signed this membership with _ and she claimed to be working for Malibu Matchmaking. We love our customers and good name.
If you have any questions about this legal notice, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this site, please contact us at:
Malibu Matchmaking
(323) 247-4453
Hermosa Beach Marketing
(323) 907-5069
Hermosa Beach Marketing has been in business for over 14 years. We are the parent company responsible for ADVERTISING YOUR SINGLE STATUS. We are not a franchise, but do enjoy the technical benefits to working with Malibu Matchmaking.
Malibu Matchmaking & Hermosa Beach Marketing claims jurisdiction in Florida. Arbitration is required.